Thursday, December 29, 2005

Template changes

I've updated the template so that if you want to post something long but only want the first paragraph or so to show, you can use the handy "expandable post summaries" feature, as Jeremy wanted.

Using it requires a little extra work after you write your post: basically, you have to go to the "Edit Html" tab in the editor and use the following html tags to separate the beginning from the main body of your post:

Here is the beginning of my post. <span class="fullpost">And here is the rest of it.</span>

Of course, for "Here is the beginning..." substitute the actual beginning of your post and so on.

[Update, Jan 26 2006: This procedure is no longer necessary. I changed the code, so that now all you need to do is use the nifty little post template and everything will be done for you automatically. Besides, now the "Read more" link does not appear automatically. Thanks to the code from ChuBlogga!]


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